Your Choice 3
Your Choice Software Collection 3.iso
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Text File
1,128 lines
* *
* Menus, Messages, Utilities, *
* and *
* Information for Batch Files *
* Ver 2.0 3/30/1994 *
* Copyright 1993 *
* by Robin R. Latham *
GRAPHICS: 80 Column Color, or Monochrome Text Modes Supported.
____|__ | (R)
--| | |------------------- Robin R. Latham
| ____|__ | Association of 2607 Betty Lane #167
| | |_| Shareware Arlington, TX. 76006
|__| o | Professionals (817) 649 - 5273
-----| | |--------------------- Compuserve ID# 72614,602
|___|___| MEMBER
INSTALLATION, PACKING LIST................... 1
INTRODUCTION................................. 2
GENERAL USE.................................. 3
ABATMENU..................................... 4
ABATMENU OPTIONS............................. 5
ABATMENU FUNCTION KEYS....................... 6
AMSG......................................... 7
AMSG OPTIONS................................. 8
AECHO ....................................... 9
AECHO OPTIONS .............................. 10
AMSCROLL ................................... 11
AMSCROLL OPTIONS............................ 11
ABATINFO ................................... 12
ABATINFO OPTIONS ........................... 13
ABATJOB .................................... 14
ABATJOB OPTIONS ............................ 15
ACLS........................................ 16
APAGE....................................... 17
TEXT FILES.................................. 18
COLOR ATTRIBUTES............................ 19
BATCH FILES................................. 20
TECHNICAL................................... 21
DISCLAIMER.................................. 23
REGISTRATION................................ 23, 24
You can use AINSTALL.BAT to copy all the files from the distribution disk.
Ainstall.bat is menu driven and will copy files to disk drives A, B, C, or D.
You will have the option to copy the files to a ROOT directory or a directory
named ABATVIEW. Installing the files in a sub-directory will prevent any
overwrites to existing files with the same name. There are two utility batch
files named AVIEWDOC.BAT and APRNTDOC.BAT that will provide immediate viewing
or printing of the associated documentation.
* Quick Start *
You can start learning how to use all the programs in the utility set by
running the ALEARNME.BAT tutorial program.
Please make a quick check to see if you recieved all of the following
files. Some of the supporting programs require other files in order to
function properly. If you have purchased an incomplete or malfunctioning
copy of this software from a distributor and cannot resolve the problem
locally, please call or write me with the distributors name and address
and I will send you a free replacement disk.
ABATMENU.EXE - Generates pop up menus.
AMSG.EXE - Generates pop up messages.
ACLS.EXE - Selectable Clearing of the video screen.
AECHO.EXE - Provides a more versatile alternative to DOS Echo.
AMSCROLL.EXE - Generates moving screen messages.
ABATINFO.EXE - Provides a variety of information to your batch files.
ABATJOB.EXE - Provides a variety of screen drawing and control functions
as well as an environment variable loop counter.
APAGE.EXE - Displays ASCII text files.
AINSTALL.BAT - Installation batch file.
AVIEWDOC.BAT - Provides documentation viewing.
APRNTDOC.BAT - Provides documentation printing.
ALEARNME.BAT - Utility set tutorial.
AEXMPLES.BAT - Example menus and messages.
ATXTFILE.BAT - How to use ascii text files with Abatmenu and Amsg.
ABATVIEW.DOC - A Batch View software manual.
ASCIICDS.DOC - Table of Ascii codes.
ASITELIC.DOC - Example site license.
AREGISTR.FRM - A Batch View Registration form.
VENDOR.DOC - for Shareware Distributors.
ABATVIEW.ZIP - An archive file
INSTL.TXT - Message text for the Installation batch file.
A BATCH VIEW is a utility set designed to allow you to create personal
or custom Graphical User Interfaces for your batch files. It will also add
a great deal of extra functional power to available DOS Batch file commands
by providing you with many information and system utilities. Because the
programs in the utility set operate in text modes, the portability of the
batch files you create is not severely limited to operation on specific
hardware. Text modes are still quite capable of providing a very professional
and crisp appearance as well as some impressive and interesting effects. The
utility set programs will allow you to create batch files that have the look
and feel of custom written software. Eight programs are included in the set,
each of which is targeted at a specific concept in batch file enhancements.
ABATMENU.EXE - Creates custom pop up menus for batch files, allowing
complete configuration of the video screen. Menus are
automatically centered on the display screen, and have
3-D shadowing. Passes the errorlevel code of the menu
item selected back to the calling program or batch file.
Up to 48 menu items per menu. Mouse Supported.
AMSG.EXE - Creates custom pop up messages or prompts for batch files,
and provides the same degree of video control as abatmenu.
Displays system information, and allows user input into
a specific Environment variable.
ACLS.EXE - Provides a variety of interesting ways to clear text from
the video screen, and the ability to change or set the default
background and text color.
AECHO.EXE - A replacement for the DOS ECHO and MORE commands. Provides
control over coloring and placement of text. Allows display
of Ascii text graphics. Color display of text files.
AMSCROLL.EXE - Allows you to create and display text messages that roll
across the screen horizontally, vertically, or around the
perimeter. Great for framing eye catching screens.
ABATINFO.EXE - Provides a variety of information about system configuration
files, and directories, by passing error level codes, and
setting Environmental variables. Batch files can determine
the proper course of action based on this information.
ABATJOB.EXE - Contains screen drawing and coloring tools to provide a
final degree of coverage for personal or custom displays.
Provides a loop counter in the Environment.
APAGE.EXE - An ascii text file reader. Primarilly provided for viewing the
documentation of this utility set. May be used to view any text
file. Provides fully functional scrolling and page keys, and a
selection of the screen color for the displayed text.
Typing the name of any of these programs at the DOS command line except,
Aecho.exe will bring up a quick help screen. Use the /h option with Aecho to
see it's help screen. All the programs use option switches to control their
output. Options are entered on the command line after the program name, with
multiple program options separated by spaces. Program options are described
throughout this manual and on the quick help screens.
As stated on the preceeding page the utility set programs are controlled
by using option switches, and taking supplied information from the command
line. Options are specified in a format that is very similiar to the Dos
operating system. I'm assumming that you're familiar with this convention
since you're interested in using this utility set and therefore have probably
written Dos batch files and used Dos to a fair extent. If you haven't, check
out your Dos Manual in conjunction with this document to get the general
idea of what's being discussed here.
Any information that a program in the set needs, is passed on the command
line in the same manner as the option switches. Common input formats are used
in order to reduce the time to learn how to use all the programs in the set.
Although unique sequences of input occur in certain situations, common themes
and formats are frequent enough to allow you to get a good feel for input
requirements and usually successfully guess how to supply information to a
program if you are unsure about a particular option's requirements.
Here are some of the general rules of thumb regarding inputs. Quite a few
of the programs have been designed to operate so that the input order of
certain pieces of information is arbitrarily decided by you. Most of the
programs generate video screen functions in one way or another. The programs
provided WILL operate in monochrome or color text modes. If color is
available, you'll probably want to take advantage of it by selecting color
attributes to enter when using screen drawing programs. ACLS, AECHO, ABATJOB,
and AMSCROLL allow you to enter options and attributes without regard to
order as long as they are the first arguments entered on the command line.
Attributes are distinguished by entering a '+' sign in front of them, this
being true for all the programs, while options use a '/' sign for recognition.
The '+' sign is also used to designate an ascii code when entering such a
code into an argument field that takes characters or strings. This is useful
for displaying characters that cannot be entered with the keyboard. AECHO has
a special option field to allow you to enter codes without the '+' sign, but
as a general rule you may use this sign to enter attributes and ascii codes.
Several programs take character string arguments. When entering these
from the Dos command line use quotation marks whenever words or symbols are
to be considered a single argument by the program. When using text files the
programs distinguish seperate arguments by assuming they appear on seperate
lines. Once again, AECHO is the exception allowing you to place options and
text on one line in a file. This is because AECHO was designed to mimic the
Dos ECHO command.
Programs that write to the video display sometimes require a location in
order to perform that function. Locations are entered in a numeric format
with the row(0-24) first, and the column(0-79) second. Some of the programs
require more information in the form of a direction switch, these are alpha
characters such as L for left, H for horizontal, or V for vertical. The
direction switches are usually accompanied by a numeric length value. Both
of these pieces of information are only necessary when performing operations
on sections of the video display that encompass more than one screen location.
Box drawing, filling, or blanking functions need two pairs of coordinates, an
upper row and column, and a lower row and column.
ABATMENU generates pop up menus for batch files. The program may be
controlled from any calling batch file, such as the AUTOEXEC.BAT to allow
menu selectable boot configurations, for TSR's, DOS Environment variables,
prompt selection, time and date entry, selectable program execution, or
anything else a batch file can handle. Batch file branching is determined by
the ERRORLEVEL returned. Several useful DOS utilities may be invoked from
within the created menu by pressing the Function Keys. A Screen blanker
has been incorporated within the program with a 5 minute timeout.
Abatmenu allows a full range of selectable options to determine the menu
colors, title, selections, hi-light bar, and background texturing or
character string, when generating your own batch file menus. Options may be
passed directly to ABATMENU on the DOS command line, or stored in an ASCII
text file when dealing with large selection lists.
Abatmenu handles up to 48 menu items. You may hi-lite and select menu
items by using the arrow and enter keys or a mouse cursor and any button. The
program will automatically display 16 menu selections at a time with options
to page through all the selections.
Abatmenu returns an ERRORLEVEL code to the calling batch file corresponding
to the item selected. The errorlevel is then processed by the batch file to
perform the desired function. Abatmenu returns a ZERO(0) if the ESCAPE key is
pressed to allow exit without action, or any other desired procedure specified
in the calling batch file.
If you wish to learn by doing, or are becoming impatient at this point, a
tutorial program called ALEARNME.BAT has been provided along with several
other batch file examples for demonstration and learning purposes.
Alternately, simply typing "abatmenu" at the DOS prompt provides a brief on
screen explanation of program operation.
Abatmenu program options are entered using standard DOS command line
parameter passing. You may also use text files to store program arguments and
selections. Enclosing a parameter with quotation marks allows it to be passed
as a single option, regardless of the spaces between characters. This is
useful if you wish to have multiple word titles, selections and background
character strings for your menu display.
Typing.... ABATMENU 176 "Boot Menu" Selection1 Selection2 Exit
at the command line will generate a Blue and Cyan pop up menu with the title
"Boot Menu", three menu selections, and the first selection hi-lighted. The
number 176 is an ASCII code that will fill the background screen with texture.
You may enter any printable Ascii code for a variety of texturing, or
wallpaper menu backdrops. You may also enter text strings or words in this
field. Remember to enclose text strings in quotation marks when entering
arguments on the command line. Included is a separate file called
ASCIICDS.DOC which contains a listing of Ascii codes for you to reference
and experiment with. Several ascii codes control printer operation, so
printing the file will generate undesirable results and is not recommended.
You may however view this file on your monitor using the AVIEWDOC.BAT file.
To produce other color menus, you will need to provide abatmenu with four
color attributes. Entering a + (plus sign) immediately in front of the
attributes designates a color menu. Color value codes are listed on page 8,
with examples of how to construct attributes. BLUE and CYAN are DEFAULT
Typing.... ABATMENU +31 0 116 115 176 "Boot Menu" Selection1 Selection2 Exit
at the command line produces a blue menu bordered with white, black selection
text, a white hi-light bar with red text, and a white screen filled with cyan
* For Monochrome or Default Color Displays
ABATMENU Screen-Ascii Title Selections..........
* For Specific Color Displays
ABATMENU +Window Menutxt Bar Screen Scrn-Ascii Title Selections...
A + (plus sign) requests generation of a color menu.
WINDOW = Color attribute of menu. MENUTXT = Color of selection text.
BAR = Color attribute of hi-light. SCREEN = Color attribute for screen.
TITLE = menu title. SELECTIONS = menu selections.
SCRN-ASCII = Ascii code for background screen texturing or wallpaper.
Abatmenu allows you to execute several common operating system utilities
via Function keys. This is useful if you use the program as a primary shell
to run your standard executables. Use the Function Keys if you wish to return
to the current menu after the desired utility is executed.
F1 Key - Displays Function Hot Key list on screen.
F2 Key - Set the System Time and Date.
F3 Key - Display Current Directory Tree.
F4 Key - Format Floppies on Drives A or B. (Default Settings)
F5 Key - Run Microsoft Diagnostic Program. (Dos Versions 6.x)
F6 Key - Run DOS Chkdsk or Scandisk. (Dos Version Dependent)
F7 Key - Run Microsoft Anti-Virus Scan on Current Disk. (Dos Versions 6.x)
F8 Key - Run DOS Help Program. (Dos Versions 5.0 and Above)
F9 Key - Run DOS Disk Defragment Program. (Dos Versions 6.x)
F10 Key - Run DOS Edit Program. (Dos Versions 5.0 and Above)
AMSG allows you to create custom user prompts, and contains several
command line switches that provide program generated system information
such as the time and date, DOS version and environment variable settings,
available disk drives and current working directory. You may also display
user query prompts that only accept (y/n) key responses, and return a
designating errorlevel code. AMSG also allows you to get user input for
your batch files. Users may enter up to 64 characters that will be
assigned to an environment variable "INPUT=". They may also enter a
an integer ranging between(0-255) to be returned as an error level code.
AMSG operates in a similar fashion to ABATMENU, allowing you to determine
the color and background texturing of your display prompt. AMSG frames your
message in a bordered pop up window, and waits for a keypress before clearing
the video screen and exiting. You may also use text files to store multiple
program options and message text.
Message text is automatically centered within the display window, and
a "Press Any Key to Continue" prompt is added to instruct users. All option
displays are separated from your message by blank lines within the window.
You may use ONLY ONE display option at a time when generating a window, but
you may include up to 20 lines of message text. Again, message text is
centered in the window by the program, and an appropriate user prompt is
added to your message. If the program cannot produce a window that fits on
the video screen it will generate an error message.
Binary prompts may be produced by using the /ask option. This option adds
a "(y/n)" prompt to the bottom of your message window, turning your text into
a simple question. Program exit may only be accomplished by pressing the 'y'
or 'n' keys in either upper or lower case. Amsg returns a 1 for yes, and a
0 for no. The resulting errorlevel code can then be interpreted by the
calling batch file. If the /ask switch is not used Amsg always returns a 0.
It's a good idea to experiment with various program options on the command
line before including them in your batch files. In this way you can determine
the most aesthetically pleasing color combinations with minimal modification.
This is especially true for long or complex batch files.
Amsg will produce color or monochrome message windows. Program options are
passed in the formats listed below.
* For Monochrome - Type > AMSG Screen-Ascii [Switch] Message..........
* For Default Color - Type > AMSG [Switch] Message........
* For Color Displays -
Type > AMSG +Window Wndtxt Screen Scrn-Ascii [Switch] Message...
A + (plus sign) requests generation of a color screen.
WINDOW = Color attribute of window. WNDTXT = Color of message text.
SCREEN = Color attribute for screen.
SCRN-ASCII = Ascii code for background screen texturing or wallpaper.
[SWITCH] = One of Four optional information display switches.
MESSAGE = Your prompt or message text.
- * SWITCHES * -
/td - Displays the time and date settings of your computer.
/dsk - Displays letters of logical disk drives and the current
working directory.
/mem - Displays your System Memory information.
/eqp - Displays Hardware and attached Peripheral information.
/env - Displays system environmental variables and current DOS Version.
/ask - Displays your message as a question and only accepts (y/n) responses.
/task - Timed (5 minute) question. Defaults to YES.
/npt - Displays an input box and allows input of up to 64 characters.
Characters are stored in a string assigned to Environment
variable "INPUT=".
/erl - Displays an input box which allows entry of an integer(0-255).
Returns that integer as an error level code.
Typing AMSG alone on the command line will display a brief description of
its use, similar to the listing above. An on screen listing of color
attributes may be seen by entering AMSG /c or AMSG color. Color attribute use
and construction is also documented on page 19. The use of text files is
covered on page 18 of the manual.
Switches are optional, and the inclusion of a switch with your message
text combines all the information into the display window. Only one switch
may be used for each message window.
Aecho is designed to be a more flexible replacement for the DOS echo
command. Aecho will allow you to designate to some extent where to place
the text, what color to display it with, and allow you to display all
printable ascii codes. In addition, it provides the same capabilities
as the DOS more command, so that you can echo text files rather than
enter each line of text seperately. You are provided with the same level
of control with each line of text in a file as you would be if you entered
them seperately on the command line.
The default position for display text is to left justify it on the display
screen. The /m option automatically centers your text, the /r right justifies,
and the /p[column #] allows you to specify the start position.
A text file can be used by first entering any overriding attributes or
positioning option switches. Then enter the /t option followed by a full
path name if necessary, name of the file, and file extension. If options
are entered when using a text file, they become default values when
displaying text. Options may be embedded in a text file and will be used
when displaying the text they preceed. If there are no options preceeding
the line of text read from a file, the options entered on the command
line will be used for color and positioning of text. The default value for
attributes is taken from screen location 0,0. The default value for
positioning is to center text on the display screen.
* Important Note *
Aecho requires an option switch to see its help screen. Although this
is inconsistent with other programs in the set, it was done so that Aecho
could display a blank line like its DOS counterpart. As a side note, if
you wish to display a blank color line, enter the appropriate attribute
on the command line.
The positioning of attributes and option switches is unimportant. In most
cases you would be entering an attribute and option switch preceeding your
text. You may elect to embed certain options or enter them after the text.
When using a text file you may want to enter an attribute, positioning
option, and the /t option followed by a filename. In this instance the /t
option must be entered last and then followed by a file name. Options on
the command line with a text file designate default options for each line
of text in the file.
(+Attribute) - Display text in color specified.
/t - Open and display a text file one page at a time. Similiar to DOS More.
/* - Display text with a spinning cursor.
/m - Automatically center display text.
/r - Right Justify display text.
/pz - Automatic pause, with message at bottom of screen until key press.
/p[column #] - Display text at column indicated. (0-79)
@#:# - @ symbol denotes an ascii code (0-255). # symbol number of ascii code.
:# colon seperates, second # is number of times to print ascii code.
/c - Displays Color Attribute Chart.
/h /? - Displays help screen.
Amscroll is a program that produces text messages that roll across the
screen in a variety of directions and configurations. The effect is one
comparable to a theatre marquee or moving billboard sign. The designated
message is displayed until a key is pressed. Some very unique and interesting
batch file displays may be constructed using this program.
****** The Basic Format to use Amscroll ******
Default - Type: AMSCROLL (Option and/or Attribute) "Text Message"
Type: AMSCROLL (Option and/or +Attribute) Speed Direction "Text Message"
The placement of the option and attribute on the command line is
discretionary, as long as they are entered first you may enter them without
regard to order. Although you must enter an option to tell the program how
to display your text, the attribute argument may be omitted since a default
value is obtained from the display screen.
Options - listed below.
+Attribute - Constructed from Attribute table. (Default value from screen)
Speed - A numeric value (0-30), with 0 being slowest, 30 being fastest.
Direction - A letter (L/R/A). Left, Right, or Alternating.
The Letter may be upper or lower case.
Text message - Whatever text you type in. Must be enclosed in quotation marks
if spaces are to be included.
/row - You specify the row number (0-24)
/col - You specify the column number (0-79)
/tb - Row numbers 0, and 24, the top and bottom rows are used.
/lr - Column numbers 0, 79, the left and right columns are used.
/roll - Message scrolls vertically while text moves horizontally.
/peri - Screen is encased with moving text message.
/pauz - A preset pause message is displayed on row 24.
/c - a table of color attributes is displayed.
Abatinfo, if you haven't guessed already, was designed to provide
information to batch files. I've tried to combine many useful functions
into one program to give you a broad range of available information for your
batch files. This particular program goes beyond the visual and user
interface focus of the utility set to give your batch files some extra power.
The Batch file commands that Dos provides can be combined with this
information to extend the abilities of your batch files.
Most of the information returned by Abatinfo is in the form of an
error level code. Since the error level code is limited in the amount of
information it can convey, it uses the system environment to store requested
information. The environment variable names are "INFO=" and "DIR=". The
"DIR=" variable is used to store the current path, while "INFO=" is used
to store other information such as file sizes, and free disk bytes.
You can use the variety of information returned by Abatinfo to set up
date or time activated batch activities, and enhance system configuration
sensing and file copying capabilities. The majority of the option switches
do not require input. Returned information is in a true/false state when
doing simple checking with a 1 for true and a 0 for false. Return values
that can be fitted within the numeric range limits of error level coding
are returned in that manner with as little value decoding as possible. The
Dos version and video display type are the only two values that had to be
returned in coded form as an error level.
When entering input for files or directories you may enter a drive and
complete path. Wildcards may be used with file arguments such as myfile.*,
my*ile.txt, etc... Remember to enclose string arguments in quotation marks
if necessarry. Input arguments are listed on the next page in the actual
order taken by the program.
/day - Returns the day of the month as as an error level(0-31).
/wkd - Returns the day of the week as an errorlevel code(0-6). Sunday = 0.
/mo - Returns current month(1-12) as an error level.
/min - Returns current minute(0-59) as an error level.
/hr - Returns current hour(0-24) as an error level.
/yr - Returns current year(0-99) as an error level. Century not included.
/drx - Does logical drive exist ? Enter an argument drive (Alpha A-Z) or
(Numeric 1-26). Returns a 1 if drive exists, a 0 if not.
/drv - Returns current drive as an error level(1-26).
/dos - Returns Dos version as an errorlevel. Major version x 10.
Minor version as a single digit. Dos 5.0 = 50, Dos 3.3 = 33.
/dsp - Return monitor display type. 0 = NONE, 3 = EGA or Multi-scan
4 = Color Display, 5 = Monochrome, 7 = VGA Mono, 8 = VGA Color.
/col - Returns number of logical video display columns in current mode
as an error level. 80, 100, 132 etc..
/row - Returns number of logical video display rows in current mode
as an error level, 25, 43, 50 etc..
/cpsl - Returns error level 1 if caps lock is on, 0 if not.
/scrl - Returns error level 1 if scroll lock is on, 0 if not.
/nmbl - Returns error level 1 if number lock is on, 0 if not.
/rod - Returns error level 1 if mouse present, 0 if not.
/ver - Returns error level 1 if verify on, 0 if not.
/brk - Returns error level 1 if break on, 0 if not.
/ddx - Does directory exist ? Returns error level 1, if specified directory
exists, a 0 if not. Directory may contain a Drive and complete path.
/dfx - Does file exist ? Returns error level 1, if specified file exists, a
0 if not. File argument may contain a Drive, path, and wildcards.
/rtd - Are you currently in the root directory on the default drive ?
Returns a 1 if true, or a zero if not.
/tfa - File argument archive attribute bit check.
Returns a 1 if file archived, a 0 if not.
Argument may contain a drive, path, and wildcards.
/tfr - Same as /tfa but checks for read only attribute.
/idv - Is argument the disk volume ID. Drive may be included in argument.
Returns 1 if true, or 0 if not.
/pth - Save the current path in the environment under Variable "DIR=".
/fdb - Saves disk free bytes in environment variable "INFO=".
Argument is a disk drive. (Alpha A-Z) (Numeric 1-26).
/fsiz - Get argument file size and save in environment variable "INFO=".
Argument may contain a drive, path, and wildcards.
/npth - Check argument string for existence in environment path variable.
Argument may be a partial or full path string. Returns 1 if found.
/nenv - Same as /npth but checks all environment variables.
/esiz - Returns number of 16 byte paragraphs assigned for environment use.
A 512 byte environment would return 32, 1024 returns 64.
/fdc - File date comparison. Takes two file arguments. Arguments may contain
a drive, path, and wildcards. Returns the number of the file that is
older according to the order they were entered. Returns 3 if both
files are the same age. Returns a 0 if cannot find file or error.
/room - Is there room to copy a file to a disk. Takes a drive and a file
argument. Returns a 1 if room to copy, a 0 if not.
/fenv - Number of available environment space in in 16 byte paragraphs.
Abatjob is a versatile utility program that will allow you to control
many of the text mode capabilities your PC offers, as well as providing
some rudimentary drawing and character placement tools. Several other
miscellaneous functions are included to enhance your batch file power.
These functions include control over cursor display, shape, and positioning,
a print screen function, and the ability to set up and use a loop counter
in the environment.
Abatjob contains over twenty option switches, and the task of providing
maximum flexibility with a minimum of user input was somewhat daunting.
Consistent argument formats were used wherever possible and default values
and toggle switching are used to decrease complexity. Many of the options
affect the entire screen or otherwise do not require arguments, while others
will function with an absolute minimum of input.
The basic input requirements for screen manipulation or drawing functions
that work on specified parts of the screen is a location in the form of a row
and column. Rows are specified using numbers 0-24, while columns use numbers
0-79. Screen attributes are optional with a default value being taken from
screen location 0,0 if one is not specified.
Options listed on the next page are categorized by input parameters in
order to simplify the argument formats. How the program operates depends to
a great extent on the type of information it's passed. There are a lot of
optional information stipulations that will allow you to use one option in
a variety of ways. Default values are provided wherever there is a
discretionary argument.
Arguments in parenthesis denote discretionary inclusion for specific results.
(+Attribute) - If an attribute other than the default at screen location 0,0.
(V/H Direction) - A Vertical(row) or Horizontal(column) direction.
(length) - Used in combination with direction to specify screen locations.
(Border Type) - Type of lines encompassing a box.
A (+) in front of a character argument denotes an Ascii code.
* Options without arguments or input parameters. *
/blink - A toggle switch for blinking all text on the screen.
/brgt - A toggle switch for text intensity on the screen.
/bbrt - A toggle switch for background screen color intensity.
/nvrt - A toggle switch for inverting screen color.
/prtsc - Print what's on the screen.
/cntr - Set a loop counter in the environment to a value.(Default Value Zero)
/inc - Increment the loop counter in the environment.
/dec - Decrement the loop counter in the environment.
/dcntr - Delete the loop counter from the environment.
/crsr - Toggle cursor on and off.
* Options using argument or input parameter format *
(+Attribute) (V/H Direction) Row Column (Length)
/sblink - A toggle switch for blinking selected text on the screen.
/sbrgt - A toggle switch for selected text intensity.
/sbbrt - A toggle switch for selected background screen color intensity.
/snvrt - A toggle switch for selectively inverting screen color.
/scolr - Change selected screen color without erasing text.
/schr - Fill specified portion of the screen with a character.
/line - Draw a horizontal or vertical line at location specified.
* Options with special argument or input parameter formats. *
/sbox - Draw a shadowed box at location specified.
- (+Attribute)(SS,DS,SD,DD Border Type) Top Row,Top Col,Bottom Row,Bottom Col
/chbx - Fill a rectangular portion of the screen with a character.
- (+Attribute) Character,Top Row,Top Col,Bottom Row,Bottom Col
/vstr - Fill the screen with a character string.
- (+Attribute) Word or string enclosed with parenthisis.
/cntr - Set a loop counter in the environment to a value.
- A value from 0 - 255
/mvcur - Move the cursor to row and column.
- Row( 0 - 24), Column(0 - 79)
/cursz - Change cursor shape or size.
- Start Scanline, End Scanline ( 0-13 )
/colr - Change screen color without erasing text.
Acls is a video screen clearing utility that that may be used to add a
dimension of visual entertainment to your batch files, or as an enhancement
to your computer operating system. Acls is functionally similar to the DOS
CLS command, but provides an alternate set of differing methods to clear the
video display. Because of this, you must remember to include an option that
specifies the desired method when using Acls, or you will be presented with a
help screen. The use of Acls is not required when generating menus and
message windows, it was simply added to the utility set to provide uniqueness
and variety to your batch files.
As stated above, you may view a descriptive list of program options by
typing ACLS alone on the command line. You may also use Acls to set the
default screen colors of your video display. These will remain active until
another program resets them or you call Acls again with a different option.
Typing ACLS /c or ACLS color displays an on screen listing of usable color
attributes. You may enter a screen attribute by preceeding it with the plus
symbol and inputing it before or after an option. If a new attribute is not
specified, a default value from screen location 0,0 will be used.
The following list describes the ACLS option switches. Most of the
effects generated by these switches are hard to describe with words, so if
the descriptions are hard to visualize, please try experimenting with them.
/hz - moves every other line of text off the screen in the opposite
direction in a horizontal fashion.
/vt - moves every other column of text off the screen in the opposite
direction in a vertical fashion.
/wl - wipes screen clear from the left.
/wr - wipes screen clear from the right.
/in - text disappears by being scrolled into the middle of the screen.
/out - text disappears by being scrolled towards bottom and top of screen.
/splt - Splits screen in half and scrolls off. Sound Effects.
/diag - Diagonal scroll down. Sound Effects.
/tnl - Draw a tunnel and clear the screen. Sound Effects.
/wbs - Invert screen color and add patterns. Sound Effects.
/blko - Blocks out portions of the screen in sequence. Sound Effects.
/prt(4 corners) - Clear part of the screen you specify. Sound Effects.
/cls - a conventional screen clear in graphics or text modes.
/c - Shows a table of color attributes.
Apage allows you to view ascii text files. You can control viewing with
the up and down arrow keys, page up and page down keys, spacebar, home, and
end keys. The arrow keys and spacebar allow you to scroll through the text
one line at a time, while the page keys provide viewing in chunks of 22 lines
per page. Apage offers two less common key functions with the home and end
keys. Home will bring you back to the beginning of the file. End allows you
to read the entire file at a speed comparable to Mr. Data on Star Trek. You
can view files in the color of your choice by entering an attribute preceeded
by a '+' symbol as the first argument on the command line.
Many of the program functions are performed with sound effects. If you
don't want to listen to the effects while your viewing the file, the
CONTROL+S keys will toggle the sound on and off.
Apage will handle files up to 2 Megabytes in size. You may open and view
larger files but the program will only display the first 2 Megs of text.
Hopefully, this is not to much of a handicap unless you keep and read
extremely large text files. If you have files exceeding a Megabyte in length
you may wish to turn the sound effects off if you intend to go to the end
of the file with the end key function. The sound effects generate a tone
starting at 230 hertz and increments that tone by 3 hertz per line of text.
This can bring the tone up to a very high frequency when reading in files
of this magnitude. The high frequency tone will not hurt your ears or the
PC speaker but can become annoying if you have to listened to it for several
* To Use Apage *
Type: Apage (+Attribute) "(Drive:\Path)\ Filename with extension"
Abatmenu, Amsg, and Aecho allow you to store program options in straight
Ascii text files. You can produce Ascii text files with many popular word
processors that have file export functions. Check your documentation to see
if your word processor has this capability. Most versions of DOS come with
Ascii text file processing programs. Starting with DOS 5.0 a program called
Edit was provided for this purpose. Earlier versions of DOS come with a
program called Edlin that provides crude, but effective text file generation.
To use a text file containing your program options, you will need to create
the file and then pass the complete name of your file to abatmenu or amsg on
the command line. Abatmenu and Amsg take text file arguments the same way,
and options for both may be stored in the same file by using labels.
Typing.... ABATMENU Myfile.txt
tells abatmenu to search for a file called Myfile.txt in the current directory
to obtain its command line options. Abatmenu is not case sensitive about the
file name, but it does need the complete file name including the extension.
To create a text file that abatmenu can use you need to enter each command
line option on a separate line of the file, and in the correct order. Abatmenu
uses the ascii code that signals a new line to separate the options. New line
codes and carriage returns are automatically generated by your word processor
when you press the Enter or Return key.
Myfile.txt would be formatted as follows....
Boot Menu
You can store multiple option sets in a text file by using labels.
A label in a text file consists of any alphanumeric word, phrase, or set of
characters you wish to use, as long as it is immediately preceded by the
@ character, and placed on a separate line of the text file. The @ character
is created by pressing the <shift> + 2 keys simultaneously. Labels are used
to mark the set of options you wish the program to use. You mark an option
set by placing the label on the line preceding it. You need not worry about
marking the end of the set, since the next label or end of the file performs
that function. To use the label, you must type the label name after the file
name that contains it, and enclose both in quotation marks.
Typing..... ABATMENU "Myfile.txt @Mylabel"
calls the option set marked @Mylabel.
7 |
9 |
176 |
Boot Menu |
Selection1 |
Selection2 |
Exit |
@Mylabel --------------------- |
10 |
20 |
176 |
Mylabel Boot Menu |
Selection1 |
Selection2 |
Exit ------------------------- |
The color combinations are made by adding the decimal values of the foreground
and background colors. For instance to get a Cyan background and a white
foreground you would add 48 + 15 = 63. To get a White hi-lite bar with Red
Text you would add 112 + 4 = 116. You do not need to specify background colors
for window text, the program automatically uses the background color selected
for the window.
Color Attributes
Foreground Colors:
Black 0 Gray 8
Blue 1 Light Blue 9
Green 2 Light Green 10
Cyan 3 Light Cyan 11
Red 4 Light Red 12
Magenta 5 Light Magenta 13
Brown 6 Yellow 14
Light Gray 7 White 15
Background Colors: Examples:
Black 0 Blue Background and Yellow Foreground
Blue 16
Green 32 16 + 14 = 30
Cyan 48
Red 64 Green Background and White Foreground
Magenta 80
Brown 96 32 + 15 = 47
White 112
DOS provides batch files so that you can store the commands to perform
specific tasks in a file, rather than repeatedly entering them on the command
line. A DOS batch file name must have a .BAT extension, and be different from
any of DOS's internal command names.
A Batch file must be an Ascii text file, with each batch file command
placed on a separate line. To run a batch file, simply type its name at the
DOS prompt, and press the enter key.
Batch files allow you to perform simple computer programming using DOS
commands. If you know how to use DOS, you already have most of the knowledge
required to write effective batch files. To set up batch files for ABATMENU,
you will need to understand the basic concepts of labels, and errorlevel code
testing. ABATMENU returns an errorlevel code to the calling batch file.
Pressing the ESC key while ABATMENU is running will return a ZERO. Selecting
item one at the top of the menu and pressing the ENTER key returns a ONE, the
next item a TWO, and so on. Batch files allow you to set up labels
corresponding to the returned errorlevel code, in order to perform the tasks
you select from the menu.
DOS provides 0 - 255 ERRORLEVEL codes. You must check for these in
descending order since DOS tests for errorlevels using a greater than or
equal to comparison.
******** EXAMPLE ********
REM menubat.bat * name of batch file *
TOP: * a batch file label *
ABATMENU 6 31 +16 7 116 117 15 "* MENU *" item1 item2 item3
IF ERRORLEVEL 2 GOTO TWO (item2 label)
IF ERRORLEVEL 1 GOTO ONE (item1 label)
ONE: * item1 label *
LH FASTOPEN C: * loads fastopen for the C drive into high memory *
LH DOSKEY * loads doskey (A TSR) into high memory *
GOTO END * Exit batch file *
TWO: * item2 label *
DATE * input date for system *
TIME * input time for system *
PAUSE * pause until user presses a key *
ACLS /hz * Call Clear Screen utility program *
THREE: * item3 label *
CD WP51 * change directories *
WP * run wordperfect 5.1 *
END: * end of batch file or ESCAPE label *
Maximum Selection Size - 30 characters each.
Maximum Number of Selections - 48 total. 16 per screen.
Maximum Number of Text File Labels - Unlimited if you can remember them,
and spare the disk space.
Maximum Character Length of one line of message text - 70 characters.
Maximum Number of Text Lines for message window - 20 lines.
Maximum Number of Text File Labels - Unlimited if you can remember them,
and spare the disk space.
Abatinfo will return a 0 if a dos error is encountered such as a disk drive
door being open. The program does no bomb but since it uses DOS to to obtain
information, it also depends on dos for error checking.
Text Modes - All programs that use screen functions use text modes 3 or 7. If
possible the programs will reset to a text mode if your not
already in one.
DOS limits the number of characters you can enter on the command line. If you
are encountering truncated menus or other problems, you should try using text
files to store your option sets.
You may not use the same text file to store program options for Abatmenu
and Amsg. Each program reads the text files and labels in a slightly
different manner. Be Careful!
Because of the various hardware and software environments into which
these programs may be put, no warranty of fitness for a particular purpose
is offered.
Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for
inconsequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply
to you.
This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Sate of Texas and
shall inure to the benefit of Robin R. Latham, and any successors,
administrators, heirs, and assigns. Any action or proceeding brought by
either party against the other arising out of or related to this agreement
shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction
located in Tarrant County, Texas. The parties hereby consent to in personam
jurisdiction of said courts.
Upon registration, this software and the disks on which it is contained
is licensed to you, for your own use. This is copyrighted software. You are
not obtaining title to this software or any copyrights. You may not
sublicense, rent, lease, modify, translate, convert to another programming
language, decompile, or disassemble the software for any purpose.
You may make as many copies of this software as you need for back-up
purposes, or SHAREWARE distribution. You may use this software on more than
one computer, provided there is no chance it will be used simultaneously on
more than one computer. If you need to use the software on more than one
computer simultaneously, please contact me for information about site
licenses. Use of any utility program contained within this set on a network
requires a site license.
Permission is hereby granted for clubs, disk vendors, user groups, or
individuals to distribute A BATCH VIEW on a SHAREWARE basis, providing that
the entire A BATCH VIEW package with accompanying documentation files is
included in the distribution, and a relevant statement is made concerning the
required registration of shareware beyond the price of the distribution disk.
If you like, or find these programs useful, please feel free to
distribute copies to friends and acquaintances, or upload a copy to your
favorite bulletin boards. Please make sure that you include all the files
that come with the A Batch View Utility Set in any copies that you distribute.
Your support of the shareware concept, products, and distribution process is
greatly appreciated.
A compressed version of this utility set may be downloaded from the
compuserve IBMSYS Forum, Library 1 under the file name ABTVEW.ZIP. You will
need a copy of PKUNZIP version 2.0 to decompress the file. A shareware copy
of PKUNZIP is located in the same Forum under the name PK204G.EXE.
I can also be reached by compuserve Email with ID # 72614,602.
You may register this Utility set through the compuserve shareware
database. Type GO SWREG at any Compuserve Prompt. Search using the
word ABTVWE, or my name.
* Copyright 1994 by Robin R. Latham All Rights Reserved. *
Name: ____________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________
City, State: ____________________________________________
Zip Code: ____________________________________________
The cost to register one copy of A BATCH VIEW is $15.00. Registration entitles
you to an abundance of good Karma, a clear conscience, and continued legal use
of all the A BATCH VIEW utility programs. In addition to the above, I provide
free copies of any future program upgrades or versions(IF desired), and phone
or mail support. Site licenses are available for a flat fee of $45 (U.S.)
Please make checks or money orders payable to Robin R. Latham, and send to
the address listed at the bottom of the page.
Thanks for supporting Shareware products !
Send me New Program Upgrades or Versions []
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Texas Residents Please Add 7.5% Sales Tax: ___________
Total Enclosed: ______________
____|__ | (R)
--| | |------------------- Robin R. Latham
| ____|__ | Association of 2607 Betty Lane #167
| | |_| Shareware Arlington, TX. 76006
|__| o | Professionals (817) 649 - 5273
-----| | |--------------------- Compuserve ID# 72614,602
|___|___| MEMBER